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1642 - 1688, Civil War to Glorious Revolution

Landowners following the Restoration of Charles II

After the Restoration Lawrence Moyer took the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance as a member of Trinity House but was nevertheless detained by the Deputy Lieutenants of Essex in 1661.  One of them, Hicks of Ruckholt, searched Moyer’s house and found barrels of gunpowder and pistols, but nothing seems to have come from this.  Lawrence Moyer paid a money bond to get his brother Samuel released from prison.  Lawrence Moyer remained a Puritan and was excommunicated in 1683.  He died in 1685 aged 77.

In 1663 Charles II visited Ruckholt House after hunting.  Two years later Samuel Pepys and friends invited themselves to dinner at Ruckholt because they thought William Hicks mean and wanted to make fun of him.