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the later Victorian and Edwardian times 1890 to 1919

The First World War (continued)

2 incendiary bombs fell in Grosvenor Road.  1 HE bomb fell on Claude Road, wrecking a house and breaking glass in 175.  A man, a woman and a child were killed.  An incendiary device fell on Murchison Road.  A bomb and 2 incendiaries in Albert Road damaged one house.  A woman and a child were slightly hurt.  An incendiary in Twickenham Road caused a small fire but no casualties.  A bomb on Oakdale Road and another on Ashville Road damaged 30 homes and broke the windows of 123 others, killing 2 men and injuring 4 men, 11 women and 6 children.  An incendiary device on St Augustine's Church, Lincoln Street, gutted the building.  Another on Mayville Road caused a fire in a kitchen.  A bomb in Southwell Grove Road demolished the backs of 2 houses and broke windows in 132 houses.  1 man was killed.  Mr R Osborne : “On my way home on leave in answer to a telegram telling me of my father's death, I overheard a conversation about a raid on Leytonstone.  Much to my surprise, it concerned my Dad.  What a shock it was to me when I turned the corner of Southwell Grove Road and found that I had lost my home  .  .  .  Where was my mother?  .  .  .  She had been saved by seeing a picture through twice at the Premier Cinema  .  .  . I found my pigeons alive after being under bricks, rafters and debris but had survived  .  .  .”  The last HE bomb from airship L10 fell near the boating lake in Wanstead Flats, breaking windows in 75 private homes.  9

9  They Come!  They Come!  The Air Raids on London during the 1914-1918 War, by John Hook 1987.  VHM shelf item 164.1

“During the 1914-1918 War they opened a soup kitchen down under a railway arch in   Lansdowne Road in Leytonstone, and we used to go there and it cost half a penny.  We used to get a little bowl of soup and a piece of suet pudding with currants in and that used to last us a day.  There was no rationing.  ... it was the survival of the fittest.” 13

13  WFOHW interview 339

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